About Me

I started this blog as a way of building an online community of current and past Ivy Tech paralegal students, as well as letting people interested in our program know what we're up to. This blog is not sponsored by Ivy Tech. No way, no how.

My name is Linda Kampe, and I'm the program chair of Paralegal Studies in Lafayette, Indiana. My office is in Ivy Hall 1166. Stop by and chat. For best results, make an appointment, so I know to expect you. And if you bring your own cup, I'll make you tea. Because hey, we're not animals.

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Welcome, Ukrainians!

As the blogger, I can access all sorts of stats about this blog--how many people access it per day, whether they check in on their cell phones or computers, etc. I usually don't bother to look, other than to note that check-ins do spike for a day or so after I post something new. But today, out of sheer boredom/curiosity, I looked at where (geographically) people are accessing this blog from, and note that of  the 10 countries (TEN!!!) people have checked in from, the Ukraine is second to the US, and WAY ahead of 3rd place Russia.

Спасибі за зупинки шляхом , друзі!
According to Google Translate, that's Ukrainian for "Thanks for stopping by, friends!" 

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Presentation by Indiana's Attorney General

On Wednesday, October 7, the Tippecanoe County Fairgrounds will be the site of a "Senior Fair." It is designed to appeal to seniors as well as their families and caregivers. Sure, that's interesting enough in itself, but the reason it's up on this blog is that at noon, Indiana Attorney General Greg Zoeller will be giving a presentation on preventing fraud, specifically geared toward seniors.This presentation (although not the fair as a whole) would count as an off-campus activity for those of you who are in my classes.

As far as I can tell, the event is free, regardless of one's age.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Upcoming Events, Both On & Off Campus

·         Race car driver/owner Sarah Fisher will be speaking in the Ivy Hall Auditorium (Ivy 1333) on Tuesday, September 29, at noon.
·         The afternoon PARA 101 class will be taking a field trip to the courthouse on Monday, October 5, from 2:30 -5:20. Other paralegal students are invited to join us, but please notify Linda Kampe in advance if you intend to tag along.
·         LPD SWAT team demonstration, Thursday, October 8, at 3:00 in the Ivy Hall Auditorium.
·         Domestic Violence Luncheon, featuring the attorney for the Indiana Coalition against Domestic Violence, Tuesday, October 13, at the Lafayette YWCA. Tickets cost $12 and are required. Contact the YWCA for tickets/reservations.
·         LPD K-9 demonstration, Thursday, November 19, at 3:00 in the Ivy Hall Auditorium.

Friday, September 18, 2015

The Magna Carta & the Constitution Panel Discussion

Today's panel discussion on the Magna Carta and the Constitution will be in Ivy 1114, not the Ivy Hall Auditorium, as I have been telling you.

The panel begins at 9:30, and includes a continental breakfast. Come on out.You can learn about legal history, have donuts and juice, and (if you're in one of my classes) get 10 points--all before 10:30!

See you there.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Presidential Announcement Today

Today’s the day! President Obama will be making an announcement at Macomb Community College about America’s College Promise, which would make two years of community college education free for responsible students. You can join Ivy Tech Community College in supporting the grassroots movement called Heads Up, to rally everyone to pledge their support for America’s College Promise.
You’re invited to a party to watch the President’s announcement at 3 p.m. EST today! Find out about the party at your campus at www.ivytech.edu/headsup.
Heads Up will work to create a culture that celebrates community colleges, giving students, faculty, business leaders, elected officials, families, and friends the tools they need to spread the word about the value and impact of community colleges on the future of America.

You can watch the announcement here in Lafayette in the Ivy Hall Auditorium. This is worth 10 on-campus points. 

Wednesday, September 9, 2:45 p.m.--
The college just announced that the program would not start until 3:40 p.m. today.  

MORE Involvement Opportunities

  • Next Friday, September 18 Thursday, September 17, is Constitution Day here at Ivy Tech. If you register to vote (or can prove you already registered to vote) and you take the Constitution Quiz, even if you don't pass it, that's 10 on-campus points.
  • Also on September 18, from 9:30 - 10:20 there will be a panel discussion on The Constitution and the Magna Carta in the Ivy Hall Auditorium. Those of you who attend can get 10 on-campus points. (My morning PARA 101 class is going as a class. No points for them. Sorry.)
  • If you would really like to see "The Amish Project," but Tuesday night just won't work for you, there may be an opportunity to sit in on Monday night's final rehearsal. Same time--7:30, same place--Civic Theatre, same price--"pay what you can." Since it is a rehearsal, we might not be in costume and there is always the danger that the director will interrupt us to tell us we're doing it wrong, but you would still get a good sense of the story. If you are interested in coming on Monday evening instead of Tuesday evening, please send me an email.
Edited on September 9, 2015, at 3:35 p.m. to reflect the correct date of Constitution Day.

How Do I Prove I Gave Blood?

If you're giving blood today at the blood drive and you want your 10 points (obviously, this only applies to my students), please send me either a photo of yourself at the blood drive or--better yet--a photo of the gift card the blood center gives you. (Yes, as if 10 points weren't enough incentive, blood donors get a gift card for a T-shirt.)

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

And Now, a Word from the Paralegal Society

Greetings fellow Paralegal Students,

I am Aaron Money, the President of the Paralegal Society. This announcement pertains to the Paralegal Society and what the Society does. It also is an attempt to reach out to the students that I have not meet yet or have not had the opportunity to talk to yet.

As some of you may know, there is a Paralegal Society for all the Paralegal students to join. If you are one of the new students just enrolling in the Paralegal Program, I welcome you to Ivy Tech and would love to take the opportunity to give you some information about what the Paralegal Society does for students.

One of the most important benefits of joining is gaining the ability the to communicate with other Paralegal students. This has helped several of the current students, and myself as well. It helps by building a lasting relationship with your fellow law students. It pays off when stuck on a subject or an assignment. And who does not want to make new friends?

Other than the relationship benefit, the Paralegal Society hosts several meetings and events throughout the Spring and Fall semesters. A few of the events to mention are the Talk to a Lawyer Day which is being held this semester, more information will be related to all of you later this semester. Another event is the Appeal on Wheels. This event gives Ivy Tech students the opportunity to view and listen to an actual Indiana Appeals Court case, and the hearing is held on campus. I have attended the past two Appeals on Wheels and the justices that attend are always friendly and willing to answer questions.

And finally, what I really need from very one is a response back to this email. I need to know what each student's availability is this semester because I will be switching meeting times. I am looking to hopefully have the meetings during the evening, preferably on a Monday, Wednesday, or Friday. I also need contact information from all who wish to join the Paralegal Society. If you have already paid your dues for this semester, I need the receipt as soon as possible to turn in to the Student Government/Student Life office. 

As your President of the Paralegal Society, I would like to extent to all of you my gratitude for all that you do. If there is anything I can do for any of you this semester, please do not hesitate to ask. Some of the students that know me already will hopefully tell you that I love to help my fellow students out.

Ashley Coons is the Paralegal Society Vice-President and she too can be reached for any information needed about the Paralegal Society. Ashley and I talk a lot on and off campus and are in communication with one another all the time. 

I wish everyone of you the best of luck this semester and hopefully will see you all on campus and at the meetings. If you wish to have my number, email me and I will give you my personal contact information.      
Aaron Money

You can reach Aaron at AMoney4@ivytech.edu