About Me

I started this blog as a way of building an online community of current and past Ivy Tech paralegal students, as well as letting people interested in our program know what we're up to. This blog is not sponsored by Ivy Tech. No way, no how.

My name is Linda Kampe, and I'm the program chair of Paralegal Studies in Lafayette, Indiana. My office is in Ivy Hall 1166. Stop by and chat. For best results, make an appointment, so I know to expect you. And if you bring your own cup, I'll make you tea. Because hey, we're not animals.

Saturday, December 31, 2016

Happy Holidays!

I hope that you are all enjoying your time off. I know I am. Remember, classes start January 17, 2017!

In the meantime, I received this announcement about an upcoming YWCA lunch that I thought I'd pass along. Seems like a worthwhile way to spend a little of that free time you have so much of right now ....  ðŸ˜Š

 "Mental Health First Aid: Stress, Depression, and Substance Abuse" 
Join us for the January Network Lunch on Wednesday, January 11, 2017. This event will feature a presentation by Buck Black, LCSW. Buck will help us learn how we can help others who are struggling with mental health and/or substance abuse.
Lunch served at 11:30 am, Presentation is from noon - 1 pm. Please call the YWCA at 765-742-0075 to register by January 6. The cost of this event is $15. 

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Harvard Law => Law Professor => US Representative

No, not me. (Or, as my Legal Writing class knows, not I.)

But this is an interesting article about a classmate of mine who will be joining Congress with the start of the next session. Also, I think we may have been on the same intramural volleyball team at one point, but maybe not. (In any event, intramural teams were sort of fluid.)

J. Raskin

Friday, December 9, 2016

Alumni Corner

Time for a new feature here on the Paralegal Underground. Who better to give you an idea of what being a new paralegal is like--and what you are truly capable of--than our alumni? Annette Wiegand, class of 2016, is working at a law firm in Danville, Illinois, which specializes in personal injury and medical malpractice. She wrote me this week to let me know how her job is going, and I just had to share (with her permission, of course!).

I'll turn it over to Annette:

We are going to trial next Monday - Thursday and this will be my first actual jury trial - ever.

I will be in charge of all the technology in the courtroom, and have developed all of our exhibits. I have been asked by the lead attorney to sit at counsel table (big smile on my face after THAT!)

 (I recently found a defendant in South Africa and arranged for him to be deposed from a law firm there, we did it over a Skype link - very cool - different case but very cool)

I have had to track down medical experts who are the top in their field for very obscure things. You have to know how to use technology to your advantage. 

Never underestimate what people will post on Facebook/Twitter/Instagram/Snap Chat - it's incredible.

I have also been placed in charge of rolling the firm's entire caseload over into a program called Trial Works. I am working with the programmers and IT folks to get that done as seamlessly as possible before we go live.


Things to tell current students:

That Law Office Technology course you have to take? Yeah - pay attention because it will be YOU the attorneys will fully expect to be able to take off and run with this kind of thing. I've edited the website and all kinds of unusual technology-based things since I've been here. So pay attention!!!

Get involved with local paralegal organizations and STAY involved. These people know the ropes and the local system. The Vermilion County Legal Assistants group has given me contacts ranging from the Sheriff's Department, other law offices and the courthouse. Never forget it is ALL about networking and word of your capability and temperament spreads like wildfire, good or bad!

And please pay attention in Legal Writing!!! I have the dubious honor of proofreading EVERYTHING. It's SCARY sometimes. Legal Writing in Plain English sits on the bookshelf in my office and I refer to it often.

And pay attention to the details in everything you do; the attorneys notice, and truly appreciate it.

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Unique, 1-Day Bartending/Networking Opportunity

A local law office is looking for someone to tend bar at its Christmas party on December 16. You would need to be 21 or older and capable of pouring soda, wine and beer into glasses with some degree of accuracy. (No mixed drinks.) You do not need a liquor license, because the drinks are not for sale. The firm is paying $10/hour for approximately 4 hours of work.

This is a great time to meet lawyers informally. (Trust me: this law office Christmas party is the event of the season.) Also a great opportunity to make a little holiday cash. Send me an email ASAP if you're interested.

Monday, December 5, 2016

Seriously, Russia Is Beating Us HERE?

Last week's international stats show that Russia's citizens are oddly more interested in this blog than the US's. Hmmm....

United States

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Things to Do, Places to Go

Just because the end of the semester is approaching doesn't mean things have ground to a halt around here (or in the community!)

From the Paralegal Society:

  • The Paralegal Society will be hosting study sessions for P209 [Family Law] on December 8. There will be two different sections during the day, one from 12:00 - 1:30 in the Cafeteria and another from 2:45 - 4:00 in GH 131. Hopefully at these sessions we can go over questions we have regarding past quizzes and have a final chance to proofread each other's research papers. :)  These study sessions will also have pizza, so send me [Annie Hegarty] an email letting me know if you'll be able to attend! 
  • On December 1st the Paralegal Society is organizing two study session to go over material from L202 [Litigation]. There will be two different sections during the day, one from 12:00 - 1:30 in the Library and another from 2:45 - 4:00 in GH 131. Hopefully at these sessions we can go over evidence quizzes, material we included on our cover sheets, and possibly come up with extra info for the cover sheets. Send me [still Annie Hegarty] an email letting me know if you'll be able to attend either of the sessions! :)
    From the Criminal Justice Society--BW3 will be donating 15 percent of its lunchtime receipts today (11/30) to the Criminal Justice Society. So if you're looking for a place to have lunch, consider BW3. (This special only applies to the one on Creasy Lane, right by campus.)

    Coffee and Canvas, next Monday evening, is full, but you can put your name on a waiting list. (That's where my name is!) Kat will let you know if there's a cancellation.

    Massage Day today!!!! (No engagement points for this one, but you do get a massage.)

    The League of Women Voters of Greater Lafayette is hosting a Legislative Coffee next week Wednesday, Dec. 7, from 7 - 9 p.m. This will take place at Harrison College, 323 Columbia St. in Lafayette (across from the courthouse). According to the League's flyer:

    Social gathering and introductions; two League position statements (related to redistricting and funding for education) will be shared with the legislators; Q&A and updates on the 2017 General Assembly with the legislators will follow.