About Me

I started this blog as a way of building an online community of current and past Ivy Tech paralegal students, as well as letting people interested in our program know what we're up to. This blog is not sponsored by Ivy Tech. No way, no how.

My name is Linda Kampe, and I'm the program chair of Paralegal Studies in Lafayette, Indiana. My office is in Ivy Hall 1166. Stop by and chat. For best results, make an appointment, so I know to expect you. And if you bring your own cup, I'll make you tea. Because hey, we're not animals.

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Things to Do, Places to Go

Just because the end of the semester is approaching doesn't mean things have ground to a halt around here (or in the community!)

From the Paralegal Society:

  • The Paralegal Society will be hosting study sessions for P209 [Family Law] on December 8. There will be two different sections during the day, one from 12:00 - 1:30 in the Cafeteria and another from 2:45 - 4:00 in GH 131. Hopefully at these sessions we can go over questions we have regarding past quizzes and have a final chance to proofread each other's research papers. :)  These study sessions will also have pizza, so send me [Annie Hegarty] an email letting me know if you'll be able to attend! 
  • On December 1st the Paralegal Society is organizing two study session to go over material from L202 [Litigation]. There will be two different sections during the day, one from 12:00 - 1:30 in the Library and another from 2:45 - 4:00 in GH 131. Hopefully at these sessions we can go over evidence quizzes, material we included on our cover sheets, and possibly come up with extra info for the cover sheets. Send me [still Annie Hegarty] an email letting me know if you'll be able to attend either of the sessions! :)
    From the Criminal Justice Society--BW3 will be donating 15 percent of its lunchtime receipts today (11/30) to the Criminal Justice Society. So if you're looking for a place to have lunch, consider BW3. (This special only applies to the one on Creasy Lane, right by campus.)

    Coffee and Canvas, next Monday evening, is full, but you can put your name on a waiting list. (That's where my name is!) Kat will let you know if there's a cancellation.

    Massage Day today!!!! (No engagement points for this one, but you do get a massage.)

    The League of Women Voters of Greater Lafayette is hosting a Legislative Coffee next week Wednesday, Dec. 7, from 7 - 9 p.m. This will take place at Harrison College, 323 Columbia St. in Lafayette (across from the courthouse). According to the League's flyer:

    Social gathering and introductions; two League position statements (related to redistricting and funding for education) will be shared with the legislators; Q&A and updates on the 2017 General Assembly with the legislators will follow.

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Spring Semester

If you haven't registered for spring semester yet, now is the time! I would be happy to meet with you and help you pick out your classes. Please call my assistant at (765) 269-5730 to schedule an appointment.

Monday, November 28, 2016


Last week's stats:

United States

Job Hunting outside the Box

Over our fall/Thanksgiving break, I happened to meet a woman who works at a title company. She mentioned that the title company had just hired a paralegal--their first. (I was curious as to whether it was anyone I knew, since she thought the person had graduated from Ivy Tech, but she couldn't remember the name.) I asked whether this was a replacement position, and she said, "No, it's our first paralegal. We wanted someone who was really good with details."

See? I know I drive you all crazy with our crazy fictional client names and my OCD-like focus on grammar, but that's the sort of thing that will broaden your financial horizons.

By the way, welcome back. Let's make these last 3 weeks of class (yes, that's all!) fantastic!!!

Monday, November 21, 2016

International Visitors

Welcome to visitors from a lot of countries new to our list! And you, in France--tell my son to email a little more regularly!

United States

Ivy Tech Alternative Spring Break Trip

 Spring Break Day Camp Guide 2012 : Sacramento Sidetracks

Ivy Tech is sponsoring a Spring Break trip service project in West Virginia. The deadline to apply to join in is December 2--that's next week Friday!

Here are the details, hot off the press from Kat:

Student Life is offering our first Alternative Spring Break trip! We will be taking 15 students from the Lafayette and Kokomo campuses to Jonesville, WV to serve with Appalachia Service Project (ASP). We will leave campus in the morning on Sunday, March 12 and return in the evening on Saturday, March 18. Transportation, overnight accommodations, and meals Monday-Friday are included. Participants will need to cover the cost of their meals on travel days. We will be traveling to Jonesville, WV. Sleeping accommodations will be dormitory style (6-8 people per room). Participants can expect moderate construction activities (all skill levels needed; we will be matched with a project that is appropriate for our group's skill level). Participants are also expected to assist with duties at the overnight accommodation center (meal prep, meal clean-up, light cleaning, etc). Participants can expect challenging, but rewarding work all week in an area of the country that really needs the assistance.

Applications are due by December 2 at 5 p.m. Students will be notified of acceptance by December 5th. Cost to attend: $50 due December 16. It is a tight turnaround time due to some of the deadlines required by ASP. To apply, complete this application: https://orgsync.com/62409/forms/227475 Any questions? Email Kat Stremiecki in Student Life, kstremiecki@ivytech.edu



Those links are not live because I'm not sure I'm that good. If you're interested, start by emailing Kat, and she can send you the real link.  Dang! Those links ARE live. Go me!