About Me

I started this blog as a way of building an online community of current and past Ivy Tech paralegal students, as well as letting people interested in our program know what we're up to. This blog is not sponsored by Ivy Tech. No way, no how.

My name is Linda Kampe, and I'm the program chair of Paralegal Studies in Lafayette, Indiana. My office is in Ivy Hall 1166. Stop by and chat. For best results, make an appointment, so I know to expect you. And if you bring your own cup, I'll make you tea. Because hey, we're not animals.

Friday, September 9, 2016

Fall Semester Announcements

Greetings, Paralegal/Legal Studies students!

I apologize for the delay in getting this out. My semester started with a jolt, and maybe yours did, too. In any event, I hope your classes are going well.

Lexis Accounts: please make sure you can log in to your Lexis account. If you have forgotten your password, please follow the Forgot Password link. If that doesn’t help, or if you’ve never had a Lexis account, please send me an email and I’ll help you get set up. This process has a 24-48 hour turnaround time, so please don’t email me 2 hours before your research project is due.

Spring Semester: registration for spring semester starts next week already. If you would like to meet with me to discuss classes (or anything else), please call my assistant at 765-269-5730. She has access to my calendar and can get you set up with an appointment. If you bring your own mug, I really will make you a cup of tea. (Sorry—I don’t have coffee.)

Practicum: The Practicum (PARA 255), our version of the internship, is a popular class which is only offered in the spring. The deadlines for enrolling in the practicum are much different than the deadlines for enrolling in regular classes because of the extra time needed to match students up with placements and make sure everyone has met and agreed to the terms. Please keep an eye on your mailbox for more deadline information in October. Or better yet, check our blog!

Blog: The Paralegal Underground is our blog and the best source for information on classes, jobs, and other announcements of note. To access the blog, click on http://lafayetteparalegal.blogspot.com/. If you type your email address in the box under the calendar, you’ll be notified via email every time a new announcement is posted. What could be easier?

Paralegal Society: The callout meeting for the Paralegal Society is next Tuesday at 6:00 p.m. in Ivy Hall 1132. Pizza might be served. This is a great way to network and get more involved with things on campus. Online students are welcome!!! For more information, contact President Annie Hegarty at ahegarty@ivytech.edu.

Professor Estrelita Ranchor: I was chosen to participate in an international faculty exchange this year. That means that Professor Estrelita Ranchor of the Netherlands will be visiting us from October 15 – 29. Keep an eye on the blog for any special opportunities to meet with her and hear about the Dutch legal system. And if you see her around campus, be sure to extend a warm welcome!

That’s all I’ve got. I look forward to seeing or hearing from you! Enjoy your semester!

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