About Me

I started this blog as a way of building an online community of current and past Ivy Tech paralegal students, as well as letting people interested in our program know what we're up to. This blog is not sponsored by Ivy Tech. No way, no how.

My name is Linda Kampe, and I'm the program chair of Paralegal Studies in Lafayette, Indiana. My office is in Ivy Hall 1166. Stop by and chat. For best results, make an appointment, so I know to expect you. And if you bring your own cup, I'll make you tea. Because hey, we're not animals.

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Job Opportunities Abounding

There are currently a couple of part-time job opportunities posted on the Tippecanoe County website, and a full-time one that has been posted (or will be soon) on the Montgomery County website.

Also, I spoke to a local attorney yesterday who raved about how pleased their firm is with their Ivy Tech-educated paralegals. (Grammatical error intentional.) They will let me know about future job openings. (They anticipate 1-2 sometime over the course of this year.)

I LOVE hearing good things about you--both current students and alumni. You all make me look good, you make each other look good, but most importantly, you make yourselves look good.

Keep it up!

Monday, February 27, 2017

Still a hit in France

Whatever it was that caused all the ruckus in terms of traffic here at the blog last week seems to have largely passed. We're back to our usual traffic patterns, and still getting several visitors per week from France. (If you're in Blois, France, tell my son he needs to file his taxes.)

By way of recap, you all missed a fascinating program on legal history at the federal courthouse in Indy AND the very good movie Loving at Purdue. It's not every day you see a romantic movie where the hero is a lawyer.

Do NOT let Appeals on Wheels pass you by. I look forward to seeing you all there this Thursday!!!!!

So, here's the tally of international visitors from last week:

United States

Friday, February 24, 2017

Paralegal Blows the Whistle on Shenanigans in NC Prosecutor's Office--Stay Tuned!

Nobody has a better seat to things that can go wrong than a paralegal. This one blew the whistle on her boss--and got fired. What will the court do? We'll be following this case:

Legal assistant claims she was fired for reporting alleged scheme by DAs to hire each other's wives

A legal assistant in North Carolina has filed a whistleblower suit claiming she was fired for telling state investigators about an alleged scheme by two district attorneys to hire each other’s wives.
Debra Halbrook claims District Attorney Wallace Bradsher of Person and Caswell counties fired her last month after he concluded she must have been the informant who contacted the State Bureau of Investigation, report WRAL and the Greensboro News & Record.

The suit (PDF) alleges Bradsher and Rockingham County District Attorney Craig Blitzer conspired to hire each other’s wives. The women would be allowed to work only a few days each year, while earning a combined total of nearly $100,000, the suit alleged.

For more, click here

Employment Opportunity

The US District Court for the Southern District of Indiana--which, despite the name, is located in Indianapolis--is looking for a case administrator. Interested? You have until Monday, 2/27, to apply. Click on the link below for more information.


Thursday, February 23, 2017

Appeals on Wheels

Appeals on Wheels is one week from today! Woot!

Please plan to attend the oral argument at 1 p.m. in the Ivy Hall Auditorium. You are also invited to attend lunch with the judges ahead of time, but YOU MUST RSVP by Monday. Send me an email to RSVP.

We'll have a "Case at a Glance" pamphlet to hand out the day of the event, but if you'd like to get the nitty gritty version of things, feel free to read the briefs themselves. (For something in between, remember that I did post a 1-paragraph synopsis of the case a few weeks ago. Yes, you might need to scroll.) The link for the briefs is below:


Happy reading!!!! See you Thursday.

Monday, February 20, 2017

Welcome, Newcomers?

Okay, I've had this blog for a couple of years now, and we've attracted very little attention. Maybe 5-10 of you will drop by on any given day. There are more at the start of the semester, and when I post announcements, but on average, 5-10 is standard.

So what the heck happened on Valentine's Day? We blew our previous record out of the water: 167 people checked this blog on that day alone! If I'm going to draw an audience like that, I'm going to have to step up my game! Maybe I'll add cat videos....

So here are last week's stats:

United States

And a cat video to celebrate our newfound popularity: Okay, I apparently can't upload a video right now, so here's a still photo of a cat, hiding.


Sunday, February 19, 2017

Alumni Lunch

It's high time we met for another alumni lunch, and with beautiful weather expected to last much of the week, we might even be able to sit outside and take in some sun. Let's meet at Digby's on Wednesday, at noon-ish. Close to the courthouse, with a large patio sheltered from the wind (or indoor seating, if need be)--what more could we ask for?

Contact your fellow alums! See you on the 22nd!

Ugh! There's a faculty meeting scheduled for tomorrow at noon. I'm out. But this could be a great chance for networking and catching up with old friends for those of you who can go.


Friday, February 17, 2017

Leaves of Ivy

Hey, it's time to put those writing skills to good, creative use! Leaves of Ivy, Ivy Tech's literary magazine, is currently accepting submissions for the next edition. Poetry, short stories, and personal essays are all accepted. The submission deadline is Monday, February 27. Poetry should be submitted to Josh Brewer, jbrewer55@ivytech.edu, and stories and essays should go to Wendy Hammer, whammer@ivytech.edu (my favorite Ivy Tech email address). Your piece should be submitted as an attached Microsoft Word document. Include your name, phone number, and email address.

Feel free to contact Josh or Wendy with questions.

Monday, February 13, 2017

Blog News

Good morning, and welcome to another Monday! (This is the start of Week 5 of the spring semester, which means we're already more than 1/4 of the way through. Wow!)

Those of you who pay close attention to detail--who am I kidding? That's all of you!--will notice that I have added Bryan Garner's blog, LawProse, to the "My Blogs" list over in the right-hand column. Garner is the guru of good legal writing, as you know if you've taken a legal writing class with me. And he and I agree on most writing-related things, although I hold fast to the no contractions rule. His tips on improving your writing are pithy, well-written (duh), and genuinely useful.

As far as our international visitors go, we have some new countries represented, although we remain a big hit (comparatively) in France. Welcome!

United States

Friday, February 10, 2017

Legal Society News

Yes, you read that right: Legal Society. The Paralegal Society voted Tuesday night to change its name to the more inclusive moniker Legal Society.

Other actions taken:

Pizza with the Alums is scheduled for Thursday, March 23, at 6:00 p.m. Students, prospective students, and alumni are all encouraged to attend, and not just for the food. What better way to get a sense of what life is really like in a law office than to hear it from someone who recently started working in one? (Or who has worked in one for a while--we'd love to hear the voice of experience as well.) No charge. Come talk to someone who's been there. Oh--and get the word out to any alumni you know!


Appeals on Wheels is set for March 2. PARA/LEGS students are encouraged to act as hosts/hostesses for the appellate judges, staff, and attorneys. Please report to the hallway outside Ivy 1120 by 11:15 ish. Professional dress required. I, and I alone, am the sole judge of what is professional dress. There is no appeal.

Heads up here--NO flip-flops or athletic shoes; nothing with holes; do not sport cleavage (for or aft); no jeans or shorts; clothing with words on it of any sort will be highly suspect; no clothing that has not been recently laundered; etc. For purposes of Appeals on Wheels, leggings are deemed NOT to be pants. 

The next meeting of the Legal Society is Tuesday, March 7, at 6 p.m.

"Loving" will be shown at Purdue!

The movie Loving is based on the legal case Loving v. Virginia. If you took Family Law, you already knew that. We've been waiting for it to be shown locally, and the wait is over! Grab a friend (or a bunch of friends) and head to Purdue, where you'll be able to see it for free!

Many thanks to the eagle-eyed Crystal Miller for finding this for us!

Asha :Purdue Global Film Fest presents "Loving" - a 2016 American historical drama film which tells the story of Richard and Mildred Loving, the plaintiffs in the 1967 U.S. Supreme Court decision Loving v. Virginia, which invalidated state laws prohibiting interracial marriage. The film was selected to compete for the Palme d'Or at the 2016 Cannes Film Festival, and has been nominated for numerous awards, including a Golden Globe nomination for Best Actor for Edgerton and Academy Award and Golden Globe nominations for Negga.

The movie is co-sponsored by American Studies, Black Cultural Center (BCC) in collaboration with SOGA, School of Interdisciplinary Studies, Women's Gender and Sexuality Studies, Science Diversity Office, Global Studies, Film and Video Studies, Susan Bulkeley Butler Center, Asian American and Asian Resource and Cultural Center (AAARCC) and Asha Purdue.

What: LOVING Screening- Global Movie Fest-2017
Where: Fowler Hall, Stewart Center
When: 26th Feb, 5 PM (Tentative Panel discussion post movie)
FREE Admission

Your Chance to Influence the Future of Ivy Tech

The administration wants to hear from you, the students, in terms of what makes Ivy Tech great, and what makes it not so great--otherwise known as room for improvement. Interested? (Yes, of course you would get engagement points, but more importantly, you represent some of Ivy Tech's most mature and experienced students, and I think you would have lots of valuable things to say.)

Check out the details below:

We are excited to kick off the fact-finding stage of our strategic planning process at Ivy Tech Community College. As part of this process we are embarking upon, first we gathered a large amount of qualitative and quantitative research, including an environmental scan and current state analysis.  

We are using this information to start the discussion to generate thoughts and ideas.  So far, we have gathered information from some strategic thought leaders within the state, and now we want to hear from you. Dr. Ellspermann committed to creating a process to capture the voice and opinions of a range of faculty, staff, students, trustees and other stakeholders. That process is kicking off this month and will continue through April.

Please join us for a strategic planning feedback session – facilitated by a peer from another region or from the Office of the President. You can sign up at  <<< Click here to select a strategic planning session >>>.   This is a 1.5-hour session where you will hear some of the qualitative and quantitative research including our current state at Ivy Tech, participate in a SWOT analysis, and take part in a mission and values discussion.  Sessions are limited to 25 participants.

Thank you in advance for sharing your further insights, perspectives and ideas and for being a part of this important process for Ivy Tech Community College, our students, our faculty, our staff and our state, as we craft our next strategic plan.  


Chancellor Bathe

Kathryn Stremiecki
Director of Student Life, Development and Leadership
Ivy Tech Community College-Lafayette
(765) 269-5163

Hang on to Your Teacups--There Are Going to Be a Bunch of New Announcements Today

You might even need to scroll. Uphill. Both ways. With baked potatoes in your pockets to stay warm.

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Purdue International Student Discussion of Recent Events

Purdue's Muslim Student Association has issued an invitation to discuss the recent Muslim travel ban. "Building Bridges: United We Stand" will be a discussion forum about the ban and its effect on the Purdue community, family, and friends. The discussion will be held tomorrow, Friday, February 10, in Krach Hall, Room 270, from 6 - 8 p.m. You are welcome to bring food to share. The MSA will be serving refreshments as well.

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Blood Drive

Also next Tuesday (February 14), Ivy Tech will be hosting a blood drive. I believe they will take walk-ins, but if at all possible, you should sign up in the Student Life office ahead of time.

For those of you seeking engagement points, you must make a good faith effort to give.

Oh, and be sure to drink some orange juice and have a cookie when you're done.

Coming Next Week

Tuesday, February 14, come celebrate Valentine's Day with the Criminal Justice program by attending a presentation on polygraphs. No more pulling apart flowers as you say, "She loves me, she loves me not." Find out how she really feels. The presentation will take place at 1:30 in the Ivy Hall Auditorium, Ivy 1333.

How to Draw Linus Van Pelt: 7 Steps (with Pictures) - wikiHow

Friday, February 17, the Early Childhood Education program will be participating in Project Linus. Volunteers will be assembling baby blankets for traumatized children. I have absolutely no needle-working skills, and I found it to be both easy and fun. Stop by the Grand Hallway in Ivy Hall between 9:00 and 11:00 a.m. to help.

Monday, February 6, 2017

Paralegal Society Meeting

The Paralegal Society will hold its first meeting of the semester tomorrow, February 7, at 6 p.m. in Ivy Hall 1132. Everyone is invited!

Ivy Tech Day at the Statehouse (Update)

Registration for Ivy Tech Day at the Statehouse has been extended until Wednesday, February 8.

Join us for Ivy Tech Day at the Statehouse on Wednesday, February 22, 2017.  The bus will leave the Lafayette campus by 7:45 a.m. and return by 5 p.m. The event will be held at the Indiana Statehouse located in Indianapolis, Indiana.  All participants will receive an Ivy Tech scarf, breakfast, and lunch. Those who participate will gain:
  • an enhanced knowledge and understanding of state government and the democratic process.
  • a strengthened commitment to citizenship at the local, state, and national levels.
  • an opportunity to engage with public officials about the importance of supporting funds and policies that will ensure that Ivy Tech Community College can continue to achieve its mission and goals.
  • an increased feeling of connection to Ivy Tech Community College.
To attend, you must complete a registration form by Wednesday, February 8 at Noon. Registration forms are available in the Office of Student Life, Ivy Hall 1323 or from the Instructional Site main office. 

Welcome, Foreign Visitors

This blog remains a place where all are welcome. Ahem. Anyway, we have our usual audience in France--none of whom have introduced themselves to my son in Blois, apparently (ahem)--and some new visitors from the far east. Hello!

United States
Hong Kong

Friday, February 3, 2017

Interesting Study on the Economic Impact of Legal Aid

The ABA published this article about the Economic Impact of Legal Aid in today's ABA Journal:

Legal aid spending has a seven-fold economic impact, Florida study finds

legal aid

Every dollar spent on civil legal aid for low-income Florida residents creates $7 in economic impact, according to a study released on Thursday.
The study, commissioned by the Florida Bar Foundation, found that one of the biggest economic impacts of legal aid stems from helping low-income people obtain federal benefits, money that is then spent in Florida, according to a press release and executive summary.
Legal aid also saves money for governments that don’t have to provide emergency shelter because of help provided to tenants and low-income homeowners, the study found. And it saves money for the homeowners and lenders who avoid foreclosure costs.

Intrigued? You can read the full article here.