About Me

I started this blog as a way of building an online community of current and past Ivy Tech paralegal students, as well as letting people interested in our program know what we're up to. This blog is not sponsored by Ivy Tech. No way, no how.

My name is Linda Kampe, and I'm the program chair of Paralegal Studies in Lafayette, Indiana. My office is in Ivy Hall 1166. Stop by and chat. For best results, make an appointment, so I know to expect you. And if you bring your own cup, I'll make you tea. Because hey, we're not animals.

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Books, Fall Semester

I share your horror at textbook prices, and you'll just have to trust me that I do what I can to hold down your out-of-pocket costs. To that end, two of our classes, Litigation (LEGS 202) and Legal Writing 2 (PARA 224) will be textbook-less starting in the fall. Actually, this summer's Legal Writing class will also be textbook-free. (Hang on to the Bluebooks you buy for Legal Research, of course!)

However, I made the decision to go with 2 textbooks for Legal Writing 1 (PARA 204) starting in the fall. One is a basic grammar and style book; the other is a legal terminology text. Both subjects will be covered in Legal Writing 1. Both subjects will also be covered in the Capstone Class (PARA 279), and these books will be excellent references for that. If you're wondering why that matters, talk to someone who has taken the capstone class in the past couple of years. They will also be excellent references when you're in practice. Trust me--at some point you will want to look up a point of grammar or the definition and usage of some crazy legal term.

Because I see these books as more of an investment, I decided to require both, even though I know that will strain some budgets a little more than you would like.

But I also know that publishers often update textbooks more often than they need to. Neither English grammar nor legal terminology have changed appreciably in the past 5-10 years. The bookstore will be carrying the most recent version of both books, but those of you who shop online for used books should feel comfortable buying earlier editions for use in class.

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