Our usual reminders--please make sure you can log into your Lexis Advance accounts this week. Do not wait until you have an assignment due. Let me know if you have any issues. (101 students--your Lexis accounts will be on their way next week.)
If you believe this is your last semester, remember that here at Ivy Tech you need to apply to graduate. Please do that early in the semester, so we have time to iron out any confusion that arises.
There are lots of ways to get involved on campus and in the community. If you're in one of my classes, you might be doing it for the engagement points, but anyone can enjoy the good feelings and camaraderie of being involved. Some highlights:
- On Monday, January 18 (MLK Day), the local attorneys will be participating in Talk to a Lawyer Day, and they would love to have paralegal students volunteer to assist people in filling out paperwork. The event will take place at the Legal Services office, 8 N. 3rd St, 1st Floor, Lafayette. Attorneys will be meeting with people from 9-5, and they will welcome volunteers any time during that period. If possible, email me so I can pass your name along and they can expect you. However, you are welcome to volunteer "by surprise" that day as well.
- February 10 (Wednesday) is Ivy Tech Day at the Statehouse. If you've ever done it, you know how much fun it is. Ivy Tech provides transportation between the campus and the statehouse in Indy. While you're there, you get a chance to meet your state legislators, explore the statehouse, and enjoy breakfast and lunch on Ivy Tech. Traditionally, the Lafayette paralegal and crim students sneak off for a private audience with the Supreme Court, courtesy of Justice Rush, and I don't see why this year should be any different.
- If you can't make it to Ivy Tech Day at the Statehouse, consider dropping by the Lafayette YWCA for lunch. Judge Persin of Tippecanoe Superior Court 5 will be talking about Legal Aid 101, an program in which local attorneys give free presentations about basic rights. Lunch is $15.
- February 16 (Tuesday) is Appeals on Wheels day here at Ivy Tech. The Indiana Court of Appeals will be holding court in the Ivy Hall auditorium beginning at 1:00. Paralegal Society members will also be invited to have lunch with the judges beforehand--reason enough to join the Paralegal Society. (Look for an announcement about that later.)
- March 9 (Wednesday) is another YWCA lunch. This time, Officer Tenecia Waddell will discuss the importance of police-community partnerships. Look for more announcements about this later. If I can get at least 6 people to commit to going, I'll hit the Student Life office up for grant money to cover your lunch tickets ($15 each).
- Why can't I make the bullets stop???? Oh well, not much else to say. Enjoy your semester. As always, contact me with any questions or concerns.
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