Employment data for 2015 law school grads released by ABA Legal Ed Section
Posted May 03, 2016 05:48 pm CDT
Among the class of 2015, 1.7 percent had solo practices, 40.7 percent worked for law firms and 14.6 percent had “business & industry” positions, 11.6 percent worked in government, 4.7 percent had public interest jobs, 8.4 percent were doing clerkships and 1.6 percent reported education positions. Almost 9.7 percent—3,871 graduates—were unemployed and seeking employment.
“The council is pleased to release data on law school employment outcomes for the class of 2015. We offer a summary of those outcomes, which shows that the employment market remains challenging for recent graduates even as law schools are substantially reducing enrollments,” Barry Currier, the ABA’s managing director of accreditation and legal education, told the ABA Journal.